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Reviews of My Work


A fundamental part of being is giving back to others. From reviews of my photography to reviews of my work in general, here is what others have had to say about me.


"Manners, maketh, man."- William Horman

Hey Mr. Bui!

You are the coolest teacher I've ever met. Thank you for the support you've provided me. I really hope you get to teach @ MHS! Stay up!


Mr. Bui!

You are hands down one of my favorite teachers. I'm so glad to have had you as a teacher. Good luck with teaching and I hope I'll have you as a teacher again! <3




I appreciate all you've done for me; words cannot describe how helpful you have been. Because of you, I now feel safer in choosing a career. Thank you again for everything.


"I always thought you were one of those strict Asian [people], but you turned out to be cool. I'm going to miss you saying 'No' every time I ask you a question. Anyways, good luck on your teaching credential! Keep in touch! :( . . . ^_^." (J.C.)

"I can't believe that you're actually leaving! I know that I never expressed it, but thank you so much for being the best instructor / teacher ever! I learned so much from Digital Connectors and I couldn't be prouder of myself. Thank you for giving me a lifetime of experience from just a year and a half of being in class!" (M.C.)

"Thanks Tony for being the best teacher I have ever had, and thanks for giving me some tips for [my] job interview. [I] will miss you a lot. Take care." (J.M.)

"Thank you for being an amazing teacher. You've taught me so much about technology and just life in general. I will miss you very much and [I] hope that your future is bright!" (A.A.)

"Yo, it was great meeting you ever since you first started teaching. [I'll] see you on [the] PS4 [when I get one]." (P.R.)

"Tony! You are awesome and so funny! I love all your jokes and references. Thank you so much for making technology enjoyable and understandable. We will miss you so much! I hope the other teacher will be [at least] half as good as you!" (A.J.)

"You open[ed] my eyes to a lot of experience[s] that are waiting for me. Fun though- that sounded weird. You know what I mean. I'm just glad to know that my experience in high school won't compare to [being in] college. You are a very inspirational person and I'm glad I met you." (M.S.)

"We want to become role models for the teens and give back to the community we grew up in because we know it needs positivity. We plan on doing such through workshops and events to build confidence in teens and teach them about technology skills . . . Oh! And to help the kids as well because they are our siblings and the next generation and all . . . yeah."



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